Sunday, June 12, 2011

Quilting inspiration

Sophia, a blogger I follow regularly Frugal ideas from the Parsonage, is having a fat quarter giveaway. Quick!...Get yourself over there and enter : )
I've been seeing the gorgeous small quilts that Sophia churns out so quickly, while running perhaps a busier life than most of us. My daughter and I have been gathering up vintage sheets, planning to try our hand at making quilts for family members. We'll see if that all turns out, with homeschooling, putting up all the produce from our big garden, and all of the other things we stay busy with. It IS fun to plan and dream, though, right : )
Just to give you some further inspiration, here are two of my favorites of Sophia's quilts. You can find her Etsy store through the address on the pictures. I've purchased adorable skirts for American Girl dolls from her, and I have my eye on other of her items also.

(photos are pending Sophia's approval)

1 comment:

  1. You're more than welcome to post the photos. I can't wait to see your quilts! :)
