Saturday, March 24, 2012

The American Patriot's Bible

First let me say that I am quite impressed with this Bible. The American Patriot's Bible is superbly put together. In the beginning of the Bible, there are quite a few pages for the recording of things like family events, ancestors of note, and periods of military or public service.

I especially love the nice large print size that can be easily read and the comfortable size that is easy for arthritic hands to hold. The paper is fairly durable, but not so thick that it makes the overall weight of the Bible unwieldy. Words of Christ are not in red, which may not be a problem to some. Also, this Bible is very appealing to the eye. The dust jacket is quite nice, a good deal more artful than most Bibles. This Bible would make a nice conversation piece on a coffee table.

Inside, there are many wonderful, informational features, including "The Seven Principles of the Judeo-Christian Ethic", several snippets on character qualities, with Scriptural examples, and many quotes from people of historical and political significance. You will also find quite a few pieces on important events and biographies, including pictures, of patriots of our history. I think it would be a great resource in many homes, but especially for use by homeschoolers due to the wealth of historical background information.


This Bible is a wonderful gift Bible. It is perfect for a history teacher, veteran, pastor, or fan of history. I believe it is geared a bit more towards men than women, but that may be just my age or experiences showing (I personally know many more military men than women). I am planning on giving a copy to a patriotic, homeschooled, young man at our church who will be graduating this year. I’m quite sure he and his family are going to be very happy with it!

I am very pleased that I had the chance to review this Bible and I highly recommend it to all.

I received this book free from the publisher through the book review program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255 : "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising

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