Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Book review: Daddy Dates by Greg Wright

Daddy Dates, subtitled “ Four Daughter, One Clueless Dad, and His Quest to Win their Hearts: The Road Map for Any Dad to Raise a Strong and confident Daughter”

I would certainly recommend Daddy Dates by Greg Wright to any father who desires to become closer to his daughter/s. The author has four daughters, whom he decides to really get to know, ‘to win their hearts‘. What he sets out to do is so simple, so basic to parenting, that it almost seems superfluous to have to read a book about how to do it. That is my opinion as a mother, but when my husband heard about the book, he asked quite a few questions, seeming to think it was a GREAT idea.

The author has given very specific and detailed instructions for every thing he advises fathers to do. I think this is perfect for most dads I know. Writing the book as though it is a step-by-step blue-print makes it very accessible. If, indeed, women are so very hard for men to understand, this book seems perfectly crafted to lead the way to a close relationship with daughters for any man who will give a bit of attention to the author’s methods and the degree of caring and love he gives to his daughters.

Anyone can glean great ideas from this book. As I read it, I thought of how valuable these tips would be in getting closer to other family members where not much relationship has been forged (think mother in law for instance, lol!). The ideas are equally applicable to sons, or to the relationship between husband and wife. Doesn’t everyone spell ‘love’ t-i-m-e?

This book was well worth reading. Greg Wright has a conversational writing style that makes the book a quick read and one you don’t want to put down. I recommend it to anyone longing to get closer to the most important people in their lives. It is a warm and encouraging book, sure to give you great, easy to use, ideas.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the BookSneeze.com book review program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255 : "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising

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