Friday, February 25, 2011

Free Christian books, anyone?

I found a terrific deal for people who love to read, and love a great deal, too. Booksneeze offers new releases from Thomas Nelson publishing company free to those who will read them and post reviews on their blog! I just ordered my first one, which looks like it will be a fun & interesting read. I can't wait to see how this works out, as I am slightly leary of 'free' offers. I'm posting a link to Booksneeze on my sidebar, if my tech-savvy daughter will show me how to do it.

We are snowed in at the moment. It would be a perfect day to settle into my favorite reading chair with some hot tea and a couple of cats to keep me warm, but I have to wait for the mailman to show up with the book first.

I hope everyone out there is staying safe and warm!
In His love,