by Robert Morgan
I was delighted to receive a copy of this book to review. I own the first
two volumes as well, and have enjoyed them greatly. It saddens me to know that
this will be the last book in this series. I really enjoyed the additional
historical information and background given for the hymns in this book. It is
so nice to have the sheet music for the hymns included also. It makes the
reading so much more enjoyable to have all of the words and the tune accessible
while reading the story that goes with each hymn.
This book would be enjoyed by anyone interested in traditional Christian
music. It is so inspirational to read about the trials that brought about many
of the most beloved songs we sing. I think my favorite story in the book was
that of Susan and Anna Warner. Anna penned the words to "Jesus Loves Me".
These two sisters were born into a prosperous family that tumbled into poverty
in the early 1800s. They also lost their mother when they were very young. The
sisters committed their way fully to the Lord and endeavored to "give their
lives without reservation to the Lord Jesus Christ" and to do whatever they
could to keep their family home, and to provide for themselves and their
father. It was such a joy to read their story and see God's hand of provision
at work in their lives. By simply being doing the tasks set before them, and
being open to the will of God, they were able to touch countless people with the
love of Christ.
In short, I loved this book, and I think a great many others will love it
also. The only criticism I have of the book is the paper on which it is
printed. The pages have uneven edges, like handmade paper or torn paper. I
have read other books bound with this style of paper also, such as the Jesus
Freak books by Toby Mac and Michael Tait, and I have the same complaint about
those books. For people such as myself with arthritic hands, it is quite a lot
more uncomfortable to hold and read books with this kind of paper. I do think
the torn edging gives a pretty look to the book, sort of like an antique, but it
makes reading them less comfortable. That is the only drawback I find to this
wonderful book. I highly recommend it to all!
received this book free from the publisher through the book
review program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I
have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal
Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255 : "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements
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